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Spring 2021

Kurt Erickson

Dear friends loved ones, and prayer supporters,

Easter Greetings!

I trust you had a wonderful Easter observance and are looking forward to this new season coming among us. We are experiencing some exceptionally beautiful Spring weather now. A perfect time for the government to loosen some of their COVID restrictions! We have been under full lockdown since Christmas. That has not hindered the work of Eleos one bit. We were still able to minister on the streets, in the chaplaincy, and over Zoom. The law stated unless you cannot work from home, you could leave your home and go to work, and charity groups could continue doing acts of charity and ‘humanitarian work’. Well, first, we cannot preach and minister from home, so we could ‘go to work’ and two, from a social point of view, we are doing a humanitarian service by providing food, beverages, sleeping bag, clothing, etc as well...

Over the last few months, we have seen a beautiful response to the gospel. Quite a few have received Christ and many more prayed for.

The Church Without Walls (2 examples)

Please pray for:

Dave and Christopher, two street sleepers who woke up a few weeks ago to find their friend, sleeping next to them dead caused by heart failure. That man, I found out, was Dave’s brother, who disclosed this to me with so much sorrow.

Two other men, David and Simone, received Christ at separate times during our morning service in what can be described as a ‘what must I do to be saved’ moment for both. God had so wonderfully prepared their hearts that after the preaching, they immediately came forward, repented, and proclaimed faith in Christ. They are still sleeping on the street but as believers with new hope and perspective about their future.

We are providing weekly online Sunday service zoom meetings for those in accommodated shelters and rehabs and who have internet access and offers, as well as, what we call the ‘Upper Room Zoom’ discipleship/teaching classes three times a week.

We have providing discipleship and New Beginners’ classes over Zoom (the Upper ‘Zoom’ Room) for the last six months with fantastic fruit coming forth.

The Chaplaincy:

Please pray for

Wisdom as I counsel many affected by the results of this past year. Most of the patients I speak to are not infected by the virus per se but are crippled with fear, anxiety, bereavement, and suffering from some level of domestic confinement and abuse.

I attended a funeral last week of a man who received Jesus the same day as his father died. His mother had died in a fire three years previously and he is completely estranged from his only brother. His name is Danny. Pray that Jesus will become real to him and that God does bring the lonely into families.

The Eleos School of Ministry

We just completed our winter semester with an 11-week journey entitled ‘Life in the 39th Day’, examining the relevance of the Ten Commandments in today’s world. Please pray for much fruit and growth with all the students.

Thank you.

Together in the Harvest,


(Eleos Ministries continues solely on the gifts, donations, and giving of others. Those wishing to partner with us and to help us financially can contribute to either of the two offices mentioned below. They are both non-profit charities and/or organizations. Please be aware that tax credit to the UK office only affects those living in the UK.

For support of Eleos Ministries

Ordination Office (US)

Maranatha Full Gospel Ministries 4343 Chickadee Lane Macon, GA 31216 1-478-784-9875

1983-IRS Approved 501c3 Org. (non-profit)

London Office

Eleos Charitable Trust (reg. 1037105) 204a Cambridge Heath Road, Bethnal Green, London E2 7AE, +44-208-981-2202/+44 7771 924296, (Bank details given upon request))

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